Wednesday, December 16, 2009

::tiada noktah::

wed;16dec time:310am mood:kosong di ats katil..

bila trasa kosong, we need someone to share this empty feeling..tapi time kite nak share, someone not in a gud xtaw either here is a best place to talk with something yg x kasi kita feedback trus..
aku sdrik tya2 n tak paham why people suka ckp "xde pape" and "oke" and "hurmmm" and all the short words nih..double meaning d c2..and aku ske amik 1st meaning yg mana straight with the others maksud2 konon2 tersirat la perli la ape la...
aishhhh~~sgt ssh kowt!! kan senang cakap panjang2 trus.. till nonstop!!! bia aku sdrik jd bodo jap nk tak..urghh!!
kadang2 aku xpaham ble dah abis cuba try nk paham...dah xtaw nk paham cmne dah...
WEIRD!!! sgt weirdo person!!!sedeh pon ada sket2..hee~

from the heart: tlg jgn simpan2...penat woo kdg2 buat2 happy:(


  1. ble aku bace post ko neh, pastu tetibe lagu vierra ni kua, aku terus xjd bace..sbb aku nyanyi lagu ni smpai abis...cayalah ahah

  2. lolss...
    tapi cayala..kau bleyh afal lirik die till abis..
    betol2 amer dah rasa..haha
